About Us
Acorn Beekeeping Equipment was started to satisfy the needs of commercial, sideliner, and backyard beekeepers alike. Our one-piece frames, foundations, and drone combs are all produced in our California plant using state-of-the-art custom molds and shipped to satisfy beekeepers around the globe.
We use the finest beeswax available. All of our items are available unwaxed or with a standard, heavy, or extra heavy beeswax application.
Bee Hives and Beekeeping Frames
The hive is where the bees live. On their own, they will build hives in natural crevices in rocks and trees, creating honeycombs inside the nooks to live in.
Humans have kept bees for thousands of years, providing the external hive structure for the bees and receiving honey in return. There is evidence that humans have been making hives for bees at least since 2400 BCE!
Modern constructed hives date from about the mid-1800s. They typically consist of a box with a number of internal frames, removable frames. The frames provide structure for the bees to build their honey combs upon while offering easy access to the beekeeper.
Every Bee Has a Job
Honey bees have a complex society in which every bee has a specific role to play. Working together, they keep each other alive and sustain the hive for generation after generation. Below you will find a description of each type of bee in the hive.
The Queen
The queen is the largest bee in the hive. She is capable of laying up to 2,000 eggs per day and will be the mother of all the bees in a hive. The queen controls the hive’s well-being and activity.

Drone Bees

Worker Bees
Worker bees are the smallest of the three types of honey bees and represent 80-90% of a hive’s population. In addition to seeking out pollen and nectar, they also perform all the other necessary tasks of hive maintenance, including cleaning, honey-producing, foraging, and more.