Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm

Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm
Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm
Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm
Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm
Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm

Eichelgrüner Drohnenkamm


Bringen Sie Ihre Imkerei mit dem Drone Comb von Acorn Green auf die nächste Stufe! Unsere Kämme sind in Standard- oder schweren Wachsvarianten erhältlich, die aus feinstem Bienenwachs hergestellt werden. Mit unserem integrierten Schädlingsmanagement und der Varroamilbenbekämpfung können Sie Ihre Bienen gesund und produktiv halten. Verwenden Sie außerdem unsere Waben für die Königinnenzucht und Honigproduktion! Buzzworthy!

  • Die kleine Größe wird mit 72 Rahmen pro Karton geliefert.
  • Große Größe wird mit 52 Rahmen pro Karton geliefert.
  • Passend für 9-5/8″ und 6-5/8″ Supers.
Normaler Preis €120,95
  • Sichere Zahlungen
  • Please allow 5 business days for a tracking number to be provided via email.

Benutzt für:

  • Integriertes Schädlingsmanagement (IPM)
  • Bekämpfung der Varroa-Milbe
  • Königinzucht
  • Honigproduktion


Der 6-1/4-Zoll-Drohnenkammrahmen produziert mehr Honig und extrahiert schneller als Zellen in Standardgröße, wenn er in Honigaufsätzen verwendet wird!

Weitere Informationen:

Gewicht 46 - 50 Pfund
Maße 21 x 20 x 19 Zoll
Größe Groß, 9-1/8"
Klein, 6-1/4"
Wachs Schwer
Extra schwer

Note: We now offer bulk discounts on shipping in our store.

  • 4 to 5 boxes 20% shipping discount
  • 6 to 7 boxes 30% shipping discount
  • 8 to 10 boxes 40% shipping discount
  • 11 to 14 boxes 50% shipping discount

To purchase 15 or more boxes please call us at 877-255-6078 or email info@acornbee.com for volume pricing!

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Nazar Kalivoshko
Excellent product, but expensive shipping

The frames arrived here in Ohio from California in a week or so. I installed them and in about 2-3 weeks they are very well drawn, some close to be complete, some less, but very even, beautiful comb. I’ve had plastic frames from another manufacturer (yellow color), and did not have such quick success! I don’t know what you do differently, but it definitely works. Price of the product is also better per unit. My only complaint was the shipping cost, which offset the total price quite a bit. But it was worth it. I guess, it’s a total winner for someone who can pick them up locally in CA. Thank you!

Allan Brown
Drone Comb Honey Supers

For me the large cells always require more time to get drawn out than standard cell size, but after that the mediums are amazing as honey-only frames above a queen excluder. And after all, well-maintained honey super frames last a lifetime!


Product is made well arrived quickly and the bees worked it well. Would recommend this product

Lorraine Coyle

I haven't used them yet but they look great.
And smell like wax!
Most foundations say they have wax but these actually DO have wax on them!

Icarus Brewing Mooney
Honey super

These drone combs work amazing in my honey supers. Bees take to them and draw comb with zero issues.

Markus Howell
Bees No Likey

I got the deep frames with the standard wax. The bees don't particularly like this frames. They don't build across the frame evenly, sometimes they build a base that goes across the fame without touching most of the frame so it is hollow below the wax.

I will be adding another coat of wax on these frames to see if the bees take to them better. If ordering, get the "heavy" wax coating in hopes they take to it better.

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